Welcome Back

Last September, when I returned from my sabbatical it felt like jumping onto an already moving treadmill. I had been out of the loop for three months and much had happened at the church without me. That was a good thing to find out, but also meant I needed to get back up to speed.

This Sunday, we will welcome Rev. Rachel back to GPC after her summer sabbatical. We pray the summer has been restorative and spiritually rich for her and for her family. She will have the treadmill factor to deal with but we will all help her find her feet.

The fall brings this feeling for many of us, trying to get into new routines and rhythms while often embarking on new challenges. If this is how the next few weeks and months feel for you then you are in good company. I hope engagement with our faith community will be part of your fall plans. As we go through the seasons of our lives, it is good to be reminded of our faith in God as our bedrock. As we embark on new seasons, it is good to connect with fellow disciples. As we seek to begin again, it is good to ask for God's blessings, God's graces, and God's mercy. See you in church! CC